Jual Alat Uji Kandungan Babi pada Makanan dan Daging (PORK DETECTION KIT)
PORK DETECTION KIT, Pork Detection Kit, Alat Uji Kandungan Babi pada makanan dan daging, penjual alat test kandungan daging babi pada makanan
Cara Pembayaran: Transfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & Pengiriman: BOX
Negara Asal: Malaysia
Fungsi :
Pork Detection Kit adalah alat yang digunakan untuk menguji kandungan babi pada suatumakanan atau permukaan alat pemotong seperti pisau dan golok, alat ini sangat mudah digunakan dan hasilnya dapat diperoleh dalam waktu singkat, oleh karena itu proses pengambilan sampel dan pengujian
dapat dilakukan di waktu yang sama hingga mendapatkan hasil hanya dalam beberapa menit.
Consumption and handling of pork meat is strictly prohibited in some religious groups. Pork meat may also cause allergy and food intolerance. XEMA PORK TEST represents an immunochromatographic rapid test ( lateral
flow) and may be used for qualitative or semi-quantitative determination of porcine meat antigen in foods, kitchen and production facilities. In immunochromatographic (lateral flow) method, the target antigens are bound
by highly specific antibodies attached to colored microparticles. Then this complex migrates to the test line where binds to another pork-specific antibodies to form a colored line indicating positive result
1. If the test strips were stored below 20 ° C, bring the required quantity of the strips to the room temperature before
opening the pouches.
2. Carefully open the pouch with sharp instrument. TAKE CARE NOT TO DAMAGE THE TEST STRIP.
3. Dip the test strip into the liquid part of the specimen observing the right direction ( “ HAND” sign upwards) and depth ( not
deeper than the colored line marked by arrow signs) and keep for 5-10 seconds to ensure soaking.
4. Put the test strip onto the CLEAN horizontal surface; do not touch or move the test strip for 5-10 minutes.
5. Read the test result. INTERPRETATION OF THE RESULTS Test is considered POSITIVE if TWO colored lines appear in
the test zone. Test is considered NEGATIVE if only ONE colored line is
Spesifikasi :
• Method : Immunochromatographic
• Result : Qualitative ( + / -)
• Accuracy : 0.1% ( 5-10 ppm)
• Buffer dillution : Warm/ Hot water
• Rapid Result-Hanya dalam 5-10 menit hasil dari pengujian sudah bisa didapatkan
• 3 easy steps
• Dapat diaplikasikan di makanan/ minuman, daging mentah, daging olahan, alat masak/ potong, dll
• Media Specimen Collection Tube
• Test strip uji kandungan Babi ( rapid test)
• Sensitivitas 1 / 1000 ( yaitu 0, 1% ) bagian dari antigen daging babi, ini kira-kira setara dengan
5 - 10 miligram antigen babi per kilogram bahan padat( 50-10ppm) .