Kamis, 27 Agustus 2015

Tuberculosis IgG/IgM Rapid Test MONOTES

Tuberculosis IgG/IgM Rapid Test MONOTES

Tuberculosis IgG/IgM Rapid Test

The MONOTES Tuber culosis IgG/IgM one step rapid t est is a sandwich lat eral flow chromatographic immunoassay for the simulatinous det ection and differentiation of IgM anti Mycobacterium Tuber culosis (M.TB) and IgG anti-M.TB in human serum or plasma.
TB Monotes Sample Image

Tuberculosis IgG/IgM Rapid Test Spesifikation

  • Type: MONOTES TB Test Cassette
  • Sample: 2-3 drops (60-90 µl) Serum or Plasma
  • Package: Cassette 25 Test/Kit
  • Reading Time: 10 - 15 minutes
  • Sensitivity: 99%
  • Specificity: 99%

 TB Monotes Brosur

Syphilis Rapid Test MONOTES

Syphilis Rapid Test MONOTES

Syphilis Rapid Test

The MONOTES Syphilis Rapid Test is a rapid immunoasaay for the qualitative detection of antibodies (IgG and IgM) to Treponema Pallidum in serum or plasma to aid in the diagnosis of Syphilis.

Syphilis Monotes Sample Image

Spesifikation Syphilis Rapid Test

  • Type: Syphilis Test Cassette, Syphilis Test Strip
  • Sample: 2-3 drops (60-90ul) Serum or Plasma
  • Package : Cassette 25 Test/Kit, Strip 50 Test/Kit Reading
  • Time : 10-15 minutes
  • Sensitivity for : 99,9%
  • Specificity for : 99,7%

 Syphilis monotes Brosur

Malaria P.f/P.v Rapid Test MONOTES

Malaria P.f/P.v Rapid Test MONOTES

Malaria P.f/P.v Rapid Test

The MONOTES Malaria Pf/Pv Ag Rapid Test is a lateral flo w chromatographic immunoassay for the simultaneos detection an differentiation of plasmodium falciparum (P.f) and vivax antigen in human blood specimen

Malaria Monotes Sample Image

Spesifikation Malaria P.f/P.v Rapid Test

  • Type: Malaria P.f/Pv Test Cassette
  • Sample: 5 µl Serum or Plasma 3 drops buffer (100-150 µl)
  • Package : Cassette 25 Test/Kit
  • Reading Time : 20 - 30 minutes
  • Sensitivity for : P.f Ag Test 95,5% P.v Ag Test 99,5%
  • Specificity for : P.f Ag Test 98,4%, P.v Ag Test 98,5%

Malaria Monotes Brosure

Dengue Rapid Test MONOTES

Dengue Rapid Test MONOTES

Dengue Rapid Test

Dengue Rapid Monotes Stample
The MONOTES Dengue Rapid Test is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of Virus Dengue in whole blood, serum or plasma as an aid in the diagnosis of primary and secondary Dengue infection.

Spesification of Dengue Monotes

  • Type : MONOTES Dengue IgG-IgM Test Cassette MONOTES De ngue NS1 Test Cassette
  • Sample : Whole blood, Serum or Plasma
  • Package : Cassett e 25 Test/Kit Reading
  • Time : 10 - 15 minutes
  • Sensitivity : Dengue IgG/IgM Cassett e 95,8%, Dengue NS1 Cassette 95,7%
  • Specificity : Dengue IgG/IgM Cassett e 99%, Dengue NS1 Cassette 98,3%

Dengue Monotes Brosur

Drug of Abuse (DOA) MONOTES

Drug of Abuse (DOA) MONOTES

Drug of Abuse (DOA)

MONOTES Drug of Abuse (DAO) Test is a rapid, one step, qualitative, competitive binding immunochromatography assay for the determination of drug metabolites in human urine. The Advanced Quality MONOTES one step drug Screen Test employs unique antibodies to selectively identify the following drugs of abuse and/or their metabolites in urine with high degree of sensitivity and specificity.
DOA Rapid Monotes Sample

Spesification of DOA MONOTES

  • Type: DOA MONOTES Cassette, DOA MONOTES Strip, DOA MONOTES Multi Strip
  • Sample: Urine
  • Reading: 8-15 minutes
  • Package: Strip 50 test/Kit, Cassete 25 Test/Kit, Multi 25 Test/KIt

DOA Monotes Brosur

Hepatitis Virus Rapid Test MONOTES

Hepatitis Virus Rapid Test MONOTES

Hepatitis Virus Rapid Test

The MONOTES HBsAg, HBsAb, HA V , HCV T est is a rapid chromatographic immuno assay for the qualitative detection of Hepatitis Virus in serum or plasma.
Hepatitis Monotes Sample

Spesification of Hepatitis Virus Rapid T est

  • Type: HAV Test Cassette,
  • HBsAg Test Cassette & Strip, HBsAb Test Cassette & Strip, HCV Test Cassette & Strip
  • Sample: Serum or Plasma
  • Reading Time: 10 - 15 minutes
  • Package: Strip 50 test/Kit, Cassette 25 Test/Kit
  • Sensitivity: HAV 98,5%, HBsAg 99,3, HBsAb 99%, HCV 98,1% Specificity: HA V 97,7%, HBsAg 98,3%, HBsAb 99,5%, HCV 98,9%

Hepatitis Monotes Brosur

HIV 1/2 Rapid Test MONOTES

The MONOTES HIV 1/2 Rapid Human Immunodeficiency Virus Test is a rapid immuno assay for the qualitative detection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) type-1 and/or type-2 in serum or plasma.
HIV Monotes Sample Image

MONOTES HIV 1/2 Rapid Test Spesifikation

  • Type: HIV 1/2 Test Cassette, HIV 1/2 Test Strip
  • Sample: one drop (30 µl), Serum or Plasma on drop buffer (40 µl)
  • Package: Cassette 25 Test/Kit Strip 50 Test/Kit
  • Reading Time: 10-15 minutes
  • Sensitivity : 99,5%
  • Specificity : 99,8%

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2015

Distributor Reagen Dumo Murah dan lengkap

Distributor Reagen Dumo Murah dan lengkap

 Nama Produk  Kemasan 
Albumin BCG 5x100ml + std
Albumin BCG 5x25ml + std
Albumin Standard 1x3ml
Alkaline Phospatase, mod IFCC 4x50ml + 1x50ml
Alkaline Phospatase, mod IFCC 4x25ml + 1x25ml
Alpha-Amylase, mod IFCC 4x10ml + 1x10ml
Bilirubin Auto Total DCA 4x100ml R1 + 1x100ml R2
Bilirubin Auto Direct DCA 4x100ml R1 + 1x100ml R2
Bilirubin Total, Jendr Grof 5x50ml R1 + 1x10ml R2
Bilirubin Total, Jendr Grof 5x25ml R1 + 1x5ml R2
Bilirubin Direct, Jendr Grof 5x50ml R1 + 1x10ml R2
Bilirubin Direct, Jendr Grof 5x25ml R1 + 1x5ml R2
Calcium Arsenazo 5x100ml + std
Calcium Arsenazo 5x50ml + std
Calcium Standard 1x3ml
Cholesterol CHOD-PAP 1x1000ml + std
Cholesterol CHOD-PAP 5x100ml + std
Cholesterol CHOD-PAP 5x50ml + std
Cholesterol CHOD-PAP 5x25ml + std
Cholesterol Standard 1x3ml
Cholesterol HDL Precipitant 5x50ml
Cholesterol HDL Precipitant 5x50ml
Cholesterol HDL Direct 4x90ml R1 + 1x120ml R2 + cal
Cholesterol HDL Direct 4x45ml R1 + 1x60ml R2 + cal
Cholesterol HDL Direct 4x22.5ml R1 + 1x30ml R2 + cal
Cholesterol HDL Calibrator 1x3ml
Cholesterol LDL Direct 4x45ml R1 + 1x60ml R2 + cal
Cholesterol LDL Direct 4x22.5ml R1 + 1x30ml R2 + cal
Cholesterol LDL Direct 4x9ml R1 + 1x12ml R2 + cal
Cholesterol LDL Auto Calibrator 1x1ml
Cholinesterase 4x25ml R1 + 1x25ml R2
CK-MB, opt DGKC/IFCC 4x25ml R1 + 1x25ml R2
CK-MB, opt DGKC/IFCC 4x10ml R1 + 1x10ml R2
CK-NAC, opt DGKC/IFCC 4x50ml R1 + 1x50ml R2
CK-NAC, opt DGKC/IFCC 4x10ml R1 + 1x10ml R2
Creatinine, mod Jaffe 4x100ml R1 + 1x100ml R2 + std
Creatinine, mod Jaffe 4x25ml R1 + 1x25ml R2 + std
Creatinine Standard 1x3ml
Gamma-GT SZASZ Stand to IFCC 4x50ml R1 + 1x50ml R2
Gamma-GT SZASZ Stand to IFCC 4x25ml R1 + 1x25ml R2
Gamma-GT SZASZ Stand to IFCC 4x10ml R1 + 1x10ml R2
Glucose GOD PAP 1x1000ml + std
Glucose GOD PAP 5x100ml + std
Glucose GOD PAP 5x25ml + std
Glucose Standard 1x3ml
GOT (AST), mod IFCC 4x100ml R1 + 1x100ml R2
GOT (AST), mod IFCC 4x50ml R1 + 1x50ml R2
GOT (AST), mod IFCC 4x25ml R1 + 1x25ml R2
GPT (ALT), mod IFCC 4x100ml R1 + 1x100ml R2
GPT (ALT), mod IFCC 4x50ml R1 + 1x50ml R2
GPT (ALT), mod IFCC 4x25ml R1 + 1x25ml R2
LDH-L, IFCC 4x25ml R1 + 1x25ml R2
Lipase Enzym Colorim 4x25ml R1 + 1x25ml R2
Protein Total, Biuret 4x100ml R1 + 1x100ml R2 + std
Protein Total, Biuret 4x25ml R1 + 1x25ml R2 + std
Protein Total Standard 1x3ml
Triglycerides, GOD-PAP 1x1000ml + std
Triglycerides, GOD-PAP 5x100ml + std
Triglycerides, GOD-PAP 5x50ml + std
Triglycerides, GOD-PAP 5x25ml + std
Triglycerides Standard 1x3ml
Urea, Urease Colorimetric 2x125ml R1 + 3x83.3ml R2 + 1x2.5ml R3 + std
Urea Standard 1x3ml
Urea UV Auto, Urease/GLDH 4x50ml R1 + 1x50ml R2 + std
Urea UV Auto, Urease/GLDH 4x25ml R1 + 1x25ml R2 + std
Urea UV Auto, Urease/GLDH 4x10ml R1 + 1x10ml + std
Urea Standard 1x3ml
Uric Acid TBHA 4x100ml R1 + 1x100ml R2 + std
Uric Acid TBHA 4x50ml R1 + 1x50ml R2 + std
Uric Acid TBHA 4x25ml R1 + 1x25ml R2 + std
Uric Acid TBHA 4x10ml R1 + 1x10ml + std
Uric Acid Standard 1x3ml

Patient Monitor 12 Inch FODICA Vita 12

Patient Monitor 12 Inch FODICA Vita 12



Kami Biolab Medical merupakan distributor alat alat kesehatan dan perlengkapan rumah sakit dan laboratorium klinik, kami menjual berbagai macam penunjang alat kesehatan mulai dari yang bersifat tekhnis maupun yg berbentuk disposable, untuk produk kali ini kami ingin memperkenalkan produk unggulan kami yaitu Patient Monitor 12 Inch FODICA Vita 12, pasien monitor ini memiliki layar sebesar 12ich dan sudah dilengkapi dengan printer, jadi untuk print hasil menjadi lebih mudah dan tidak perlu repot repot untuk print data, selain itu produk Patient Monitor 12 Inch FODICA Vita 12 ini juga memiliki layar sentuh atau touchscreen, jadi untuk cara pengoperasian pasien monitor ini sangat mudah dan simple hanya dengan menyentuh layar monitor sebagai perintah. Patient Monitor 12 Inch FODICA Vita 12 ini juga berparameter 6, produk ini memang buatan china, akan tetapi untuk kualitas bisa dibandingkan dengan merk eropa lainnya selain harga nya yang sangat murah, produk ini juga sangat kuat dan berkualitas, terbukti sudah berbagai instansi kesehatan yang menggunakan Patient Monitor 12 Inch FODICA Vita 12 sebagai sarana perlengkapan rumah sakit yang digunakan rutin, untuk pemakaian maximal secara continue dapat digunakan selama 20 jam secara terus menerus, untuk garansi juga kami berikan selama 1 tahun dengan after sales service yang memuaskan, harga produk yang kami jual yang pastinya belum termasuk biaya pelatihan, dikarenakan alat ini memang harus dilakukan pelatihan terlebih dahulu sebelum digunakan, untuk lebih lengkap dan jelasnya berikut spesifikasi dan fitur produk secara lengkap yaitu :
  • Fitur Produk :

  1. 12.1 inch TFT Screen
  2. 6 Standard Parameters
  3. 32 Levels sound volume adjusment
  4. 10 Levels brightness adjusment
  5. Suitable for using in vehicle
  6. Maximum 168 hours graphic adn tabular trends of all parameters
  7. Online update available
  • Optional :

  1. Maximum 20 hours continual working time
  2. VGA output function
  3. Touchscreen
  4. Masimo SPO2 module
  5. EtCO2 Module
  6. 2IPB Module
  7. Suntech BP Module
  8. 8 Language Available
  9. Printer
  • Standard Accessoris :

  1. 5 Lead ECg cable
  2. SPO2 Sensor
  3. BP Cuff
  4. Temperature Probe
  5. Lithium Battery
  6. Uset Manual
  7. Power Cord
  • Packaging :

  1. Monitor Size : 300.00 x 170.00 x 305.00 mm
  2. Karton size : 370.00 x 340.00 x 290.00 mm ( 1 pcs/CTN ) 0.04 CBM
  3. G.W : 4.50 Kgs
  4. N.W : 5.50 Kgs
Untuk pemesanan produk Patient Monitor 12 Inch FODICA Vita 12 silahkan hubungi marketing kami di kontak yang sudah kami sediakan pada website rafimedika.com ini, terimakasih


Selasa, 04 Agustus 2015



Alat tensi darah digital OMRON HEM-7111 merupakan alat tensi yang dipergunakan pada lengan tangan. Mudah pemakaiannya dan bentuknya kecil, sehingga anda dapat memonitor kesehatan keluarga anda setiap saat.

WHO ( World Health Organization ) mengklasifikasikan kategori tekanan darah sebagai berikut:

Kategori Sistolik Diastolik
Optimal < 120 < 80
Normal < 130 < 85
Normal-Tinggi 130 - 139 85 - 89
Hipertensi ringan 140 - 159 90 - 99
Hipertensi Sedang 160 - 179 100-109
Hipertensi Berat >=180 >110

Cara menggunakan Tensi Darah Digital
1. Kenakan manset pas melingkar pada bagian lengan kiri atas.
2.Atur letak manset,hingga 1-2cm diatas siku lengan.
3.Rekatkan manset hingga pas di lengan.
4.Duduklah dengan posisi badan tegak.

Spesifikasi Tensi Digital Omron HEM-7111:
* Measurement method Oscillometric method
* Measurement range Pressure : 0 mmHg to 299 mmHg,Pulse 40 to 180/min
* Accuracy +-3mmHg Pulse :+-5% of display reading
* Battery life approximately 300 measurements
* Console weight +-245gram without batteries
* 14 memory
* Includes main unit,medium cuff(fits arm circumference 22-32cm),manual,4 A3 baterries

Menggunakan Lisensi Omrom dari Jepang dan di rakit di Singapura dengan garansi servis dari Omron selama 2 (dua ) Tahun